Monday, October 26, 2009

Marc Chagall

Russian watercolour and gouache on paper
54.6 x 68.6 cm
This important watercolor will be sold in British Columbia on the 29 th of this month.

Marc Chagall was born on July 7, 1887, in Vitebsk, Russia, to a poor Jewish family that included ten children. In 1907 he moved to St. Petersburg, Russia, where he attended the school of the Imperial Society for the Protection of the Arts and studied briefly with famed Russian painter Leon Bakst (1866–1924).
Chagall occupied a unique place in world art. Even though at times he was slighly influenced by the contemporary developments in arts (as when he discovered cubism for example), throughout his long life he was an independent artist, often criticized for his lack of "realism" or for his lack of desire to explore non-objective art. The sources of his inspiration are found in his childhood.
Marc Chagall died in 1985 and was buried in France at Saint-Paul. Chagall was one of the 20th century's most important artists.

Né d'une famille juive hassidique du village juif de Pale dans l'empire russe, Chagall s'appelle à l'époque Móyshe Shagáll. Après une enfance heureuse en Bélarussie, Chagall s'installe à Paris en 1910. De retour en Russie, Il y reste de 1914 à 1922, fonde un musée et une école d'art et conçoit des décors de théâtre. Dans ses œuvres, Chagall représente souvent des sujets tirés de la Bible, de la mythologie et du folklore.

Important literature :

LASSAIGNE, Jacques.Marc Chagall: Dessins et Aquarelles pour Le Ballet
by CHAGALL, Marc
, 1969.
Berthold, Marc Chagall Roland, Marc Chagall, Die Bibel: Gouachen, Aquarelle, Pastelle Und Zeichungen Aus Dem Nachlass Des Kunstlers , 1990
F V Meyer, Marc Chagall. Leben und Werk. Köln 1961.

Copyright Heffel.


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