Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pier Francesco Fiorentino.

At the Musée du Petit Palais à Avignon we had the opportunity to admire some of the worlds best Italian tempera paintings. Here above: the magnificent Madonna with Child on gold ground by Pier Francesco Fiorentino (Firenze, 1444 o 1445 – post 1497).
Click to enlarge.

Pier Francesco Fiorentino, Madonna with Child, detail.

Egg tempera is a painting process that uses egg yolk to bind pigments. The artist must manufacture the paints him or herself by the simple process of mixing finely ground pigment, water and dilute egg yolk. Egg tempera is a medium with many advantages. It is safe, non-toxic, and permanent. Unlike oil paint, it will not yellow, change in color, or grow transparent over time. It has a proven track record going back hundreds of years. Egg tempera shows the beauty of pigments off to great advantage. Colors are clear, bright, and pure. Since you mix your own paints, you know everything that's in them. There are no proprietary recipes or secret ingredients that could compromise your art.

It is my intention to post some more wonderful temperas here on the next days.
Thanks for your visit!

photo: masterwatercolors
High resolution photo on demand.


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